Sunday, 21 February 2016

Are We Capable To Wipe Out Another Life Form Intentionally?

Homo sapiens. The ultimate masterpiece of the evolution. Although not the only species which are able to shape its environment, we do shape it a lot more than any other one. We build skyscrapers. We make giant aeroplanes. We control the rivers. We split the atom. We travel to outer space, also into the deep ocean. We live everywhere, from the deserts to rainforests, and to the ice covered lands. But are we really owners of the earth? How much undisputed our rule over the world? Are we the sole master race among all other creatures sharing this same planet? If we are, then how can we claim this status?

Our life conditions and capabilities changed a lot since first Homo sapiens evolved. In 200 000 years ago, we were much more vulnerable to the environmental conditions. Unlike our big ape cousins who evolved in rainforests with the protection of trees, the savannah was much more brutal place to exist for us. We were easy prays for big predators, yet we had to compete with them for food sources. Our biggest competitors were perhaps lions in Africa, who live and hunt as big flocks and physically much stronger than us. As a result of the evolutionary process, we learned how to collaborate together to ambush and hunt bigger prays, with better hand tools and spears, and provided ourselves more food to increase our population.

Our ideas and inventions never stopped being generated. The first agricultural revolution helped us to feed millions and to secure our food supply, to provide better collaboration and community living in cities. This created much more complex relationships, hierarchical status and social classes among mankind, which increased our power. The ability to produce metal tools gave us better weapons. The invention of writing, and later on printing spread the ideas, knowledge and secured the communication rapidly all over the globe, which gave us an incredible superiority among other species; the ability to communication globally, which is much powerful than the distances the howling of wolves and the songs of dolphins could reach. The industrial revolution enabled us to build amazing structures and vehicles, fed billions. There are lots of evidences we demonstrate that we are the most awesome creature ever existed.

The question is, now, how powerful we are. Let’s suppose all the mankind, 7 billion people decided to work together for one purpose, and created a budget, wiping out whole population of a kind, for some reason. In 200 000 years ago we were unable to exterminate the entire lion populating on purpose, but now, we are, if we wanted to. We do not need to use anything from our nuclear arsenal, some riflemen with automatic weapons with helicopters and jeeps are enough to do the job, in a very short period of time. We can put baits and poison many of them. We already know most of their dwelling locations and migration routes. If we consistently pursue from satellites and spy airplanes, we can find the remaining individual and hunt them down.

We can do the very same thing to wolves, bears, tigers, elephants, giraffes and any other big mammals. Tigers might hide in the deep rainforest, so we could destroy its ecosystem with Agent Orange and napalm in order to reach the isolated individuals. In the past, we almost wiped out the wolves, declaring them the enemies of mankind. Today they are reproducing thanks to our decision to protect them. This shows some of our power and capabilities among the big animals.

What if we decrease the size, and look for other kinds. Can we kill all the mice? How about cockroaches? They are not in savannah or rainforests, hiding inside our homes, living with us side by side. Are we capable to destroy the entire of them? Not the entire human race, but most of us already fighting with them, usually using high amounts of poisons, chemicals and traps. But all those methods are temporary, and we pursue our fight individually, just to keep them in control locally. But if all of us, come together to intentionally destroy cockroaches, and does not care about any cost at all, whether economically or environmentally, there is a big chance we could do it.

Today, we are seriously thinking to exterminate the mosquitoes. The mosquito is the animal causes the most of human deaths each year by far. According to World Health Organisation, the mosquito related diseases, such as malaria, yellow fever and zika virus, kills over 3 million people each year. One method is considered to do this job is producing genetically modified mosquitos in laboratory environment and release them to the nature. The modified gene, called HEG, will be transferred to the next generation when the affected mosquito mates with the unaffected one. And in case of the breeding two mosquitos who carry HEG, will produce totally infertile generation who are unable to reproduce. According to the scientists, this method would wipe out four fifth of all mosquitoes within 36 weeks. A similar method could be applied to any other developed multicellular organism.

What about simpler life forms? Are we capable to destroy any kind of bacteria in theory? The bacteria invade everywhere on the surface of our planet, even in harsher conditions we could not bear to exist. What about viruses? We are trying to destroy them. The problem is those kind of life forms do evolve incredibly fast, being resistant to anything we throw at them. It seems we do have some cracks on our throne, to rule over every kind of animal.

Even if in theory we are capable doing something does not mean we actually are in reality. Even killing the mosquitoes, the most dangerous animal in the world, would bring some serious consequences to the balance of nature and food supply chain, as the male mosquitoes cause the pollination of plants and those feed many other animals. The ultimate result could harm the humanity more than the mosquitoes are doing today. Wiping out a species may even indirectly cause our own extinction.

It seems we are far from being the owner of the world, but highly dependent to it, even how awesome we are and technologically developed we are. Our existence is still mostly out of our control, and mostly by chance. We need to remember our other human cousins, how did they lost the competition of being exist, and how are we still alive, still as a result of the evolution, more than the result of our own achievement. Our species is only 200 000 years ago, and yet despite of our 7 billion population, extremely strong communication and all abilities, there is no guarantee we will continue being in existence in the near future.

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